Project Overview

Justice is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Justice Calendar is an application that helps users schedule small amounts of time out of their day regularly to consume content about racial inequity. Our client, Professor Tom Maiorana, came to us with a broad idea for a scheduling app to fight social inequity, which we then narrowed down the racial inequity and focused on prototyping a Google Chrome extension.

Over 6 weeks, our team researched, created, ideated, and prototyped ideas at a rapid pace with the goal of creating an application that would be friendly to users less educated in social inequity. After finishing the 6-week sprint with Design Interactive, the team continued to work with the client as well as a team of back-end developers to refine the idea and bring it to life.

⚠️ Challenge

We started by discussing the idea with our client and then amongst ourselves to come up with a problem statement. After mulling over the important aspects and the overarching goals, we asked the question:

How might we encourage users to commit time each week to learn about racial inequities and set personal goals to spark understanding, self-reflection, and informed action?

📌 Project Goals

Main Components of the app must include

✅ Solution

Justice Calendar is a Google Chrome extension that helps users schedule small amounts of time to consume content regarding racial inequity regularly.

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