Project Overview

Happy Being App is a personalized coach to improve your happiness and wellbeing. The user is asked to complete a wellness assessment and the user will be provided with a personalized self-care plan and daily activities to enhance their chance for success.

This project spanned over 25 days. Each person in our design team was assigned to specific problem statements. I will go over my focus in this case study.

⚠️ Problem Statements

Happy Being App Flow:

  1. Are the main landing screens clear and consistent?
  2. Is Happy Being premium clear in the user flow introduction? Is premium enticing enough for the user to make a purchase?

Happy Being Personalized Report:

  1. Are the user surveys understandable and engaging? And do users find the report content readable and useful?

📌 Deliverables

Happy Being App Flow:

  1. Create the opportunity for new users to subscribe to the Happy Being premium upon onboarding.
  2. Create a style guide for the app and redesign the main landing screens.

Happy Being Personalized Report:

  1. Conduct a usability test for the user surveys and redesign personalized reports based on feedback.

🚫 Constraints

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